Thanks to a grant from the National Lottery through Awards for All, Miles & Dacombe will be creating a Landscape Intervention Kit and running a series of walks to promote the use of the kits.
We are making the kits this autumn, and running our walks in the new year. The idea of the kits is to motivate people to get out walking by giving a walk an extra creative slant! The kit will be a bag of ideas, materials and tools to inspire you to create your own temporary art works in the landscape. The ideas will work in urban or rural areas and we hope will make walks fun, creative, a shared experience and a new way to look at and interact with your environment.
We will also set up an online site so that anybody using the kits across the country can post photos of art works they have created in the landscape, to share and inspire others!
We will be taking our walking methodology further afield with this new project. Our walks and kits will tour to eight different counties. So far we have confirmed walks in Northamptonshire, Norfolk, Derbyshire and Nottingham. Dates for walks will be posted on this blog in due course - perhaps you can join us for one?
If you have a group who need a bit of motivation to get out walking and you think would like one of our walks and an Intervention Kit, email us!