The final event for our Light Walks For Dark Days project took place in the Bee Inspired Studio in the Mews, Kettering and was a great success. We were able to share our walks and interventions with the community and had a marvellous time reviewing our year. Carole and Jo have both written their thoughts about the project on their personal blogs which can be read here Reflection, contemplation, light and dark and here Light Thoughts
Light Walkers preparing Glow Balls
for the Shop Installation Opening
Michael describing some of the things we did during our walks
John showing guests images from the walks
As Finedon featured in two of our walks and one began in the church yard, we were delighted when the Reverend Richard Coles, Vicar of Or Lady the Virgin Finedon, kindly agreed to add his voice and thoughts on the importance of walking to our Light Walks Film.
Watching the Light Walks for Dark Days Film
Having a mini indoor picnic during the opening
Pea shoots in December
our hopes for future growth, walks and creative adventures.